Recently we needed to open a bank account from the Czech Republic. We tried to contact most of traditional bank but there is no chance. There are some options that you may visit US embassy to verify your identity or visit European branch of some US bank. However this is mostly available for only big companies. When we wanted to open a bank account for a small LLC, we found only one option –
In you Power Platform Admin Center you can find detailed information about your capacity. Database storage and File storage has been separated. Firstly, we will focus on Database Storage.
WordPress update seems to be basic stuff. You just click Update now and that’s all. Unfortunately I have seen countless WordPress errors after various updates or rutine changes.
Lately I wanted to set-up Facebook Customer Chat to client’s website. It’s seemed to be easy copy-paste via Google Tag Manager. However, some obstacles emerged on the way and easy copy-paste did not work. Neither via Google Tag Manager nor pasted directly to the footer of a website. I must admit I do not know exactly why it does not work how it should but these steps will make it running.
When I visited Israel I have also participated on one front-end event in Tel Aviv office. This was very inspiring event with examples from teams. I took these five basic lessons away.
I had been using Tumlbr for more than 4 years after I left Posterous. Unfortunately, Tumblr started to be really poor for my needs and it also limited me from development of my website. The main reasons why I decided for WordPress -> Tumblr migration were:
When I wanted to launch Twitter ads, I received an error message that my account is not eligible for advertising. How long it takes to actually become eligible?
I became eligible when I had:
7 tweets
26 days
There may be more reasons why you cannot run your ads (e.g. country). You can find more at official resource from Twitter.
Client asked me to track Prezi in Google Analytics. However, there is no way how to track iframe embed. Thus I had to use Prezi API to make this running. API is only alfa right now but I hope this basic function will work for a long time. I used Google Tag Manager to make this running.
You can find all neccessary documentation on Github. This is a code that will place video in the page.
Update 30.6.2017: As of the update in March/April this solution does not work 100%. Unfortunatelly, I do not have a capacity to fix this. If you have, I will help you with the task.
<script src="">
var player = new PreziPlayer('prezi_here', {
preziId: 'l3qa8ydbj1l7',
width: 620,
height: 444,
explorable: false,
controls: true
2. Push event to dataLayer on every slide of a Prezi
I push name of the Prezi presentation and step (slide).